X-Wing Northwest Regionals

I posted this somewhere else some time ago but thought it should go here and since I haven’t posted anything here in a while, I thought I should post something. This happened the last week of February 2018.


 I went to the X-Wing Northwest Regionals this weekend. I went 3-3 and placed 76th out of about 160ish people.


My main goals of this tournament was to have fun of course which I did, win this alt art Zuckuss card that I got and win at least 3 games which I won so it was worth it. I’ve been trying to get in more games in this past month and a half which I did and feel it paid off. I’m a person that feels that if you fly better then the other person and have a some what decent list any list can win. That is usually why I don’t like playing the same certain meta lists. I didn’t want to play missle gun boats and no Ghost.

I’ve been flying Asajj recently and and she does well but I can’t get her to hit hard enough and didn’t find anything that worked for me answering the question who else? I also tried some Poe/Fenn/other lists…and I felt the same with this list. did not hit hard enough. I always end up with Poe vs. 100 and he solo’s the list by himself or draw and lose on points. I tried out a Guri list a few days before and really liked flying it so I went with that with some changes so, I was basically flying a new list.

I went with Guri with PtL, AT, Sensor Jammer, Virgo and SV II title, Victor Hel with expertise, Vaskai, EU, AT, Stealth Devise, Slicer Tools, and Genisis Red with Heavy Syck, Heavy Laser and Gudance Chips because I can.

Round 1 – 3 T-65’s with FA and 2 Z-95’s with Harpoon’s and Chips.
I set up with Guri in the middle and Victor Hel and Genisis Red on the side. I did the same for all games. Since I win the PS bid, My ships can re position. He did some weird luring K-Turing on his side of the board so I went for it and flew up the board. I was able to boost with Victor Hel and get in a free range 3 attack on his X-Wing. He was then out of position and I took out one of h


is Z’s on the next round. I was able to put in more damage on another X-Wing but he did a good job re-positioning to get in arc. His X and his Z went down while he took out Victor. I won on time and points.

Round 2 – Rey with Kanan Crew and Lowrick meta list
I slow flied to try and get around him which brought Rey around the rocks. I was able to get a bunch of damage in on Rey. This is where I made a potentially large mistake. I decided to try and disengage and try to get behind Lowrick instead of continuing to fight Rey. I did not get Genesis Red far enough out and decide to barrel roll instead of take the evade to try an get out of arc. It wasn’t close and Genesis went down with my ships pointed in the wrong direction. I was then able to block Rey on a rock with Guri and Hit him hard with Victor. I then cha


sed Lowrick with Guri and tried to chase Rey with Victor. I should have regrouped but I chased Rey and missed shots for the next few rounds due to PS and EU. By that time Lowrick came around to meet Rey and corner Guri. Time was called and it came down to a few dice rolls but he took out Guri and I missed Rey by two hull. He won on points. He was the winner of the Portland System Open and went on to top 4.

Round 3 – Palob, Kavil and Guri
I thought his list a bit odd as it only had range 2 turrets on them. I started out the same as they underestimate engine upgrade and I got a free shot on the Kavil, I then got Genesis to target lock Palb and got two focus tokens and took Palob down to one hull. I then took Palob out while he hit Victor pretty hard. I then kind of messed up on rules but I basically took out his Kavil and he took out my Victor with Guri. I then got position on his Guri and took her out. I won.

Round 4 – Sunny, Captain Jostero, Quinn Jast and Dalan Oboros in the Kimogila

Ok, I’m 2-1 and doing pretty good. Of course I get paired up with a friend that I probably played the most against for my prep. I actually played against his list earlier in the week. The thing is my record against him is probably about 5-15. I set up as usual and get a pincer position on Jostero. I got some lucky rolls and was able to PS kill him before he shot his missiles. He then out guessed himself and I took out Quinn. His Dalan was double stressed and I got behind him to finish him. His Sunny got in good position to finish Victor but Sunny got taken out. Win.


Round 5 – Guri, Prince Xizor and Fenn Rau
I was sad that I had to face someone I knew but I was really happy I was 3-1. My list wasn’t doing that bad. And, I was able to get some food between rounds as I was starving. In this game, I was able to get a block on Fenn and took out Fenn on the first combat round. that was really good for me. Then I made a huge mistake. He had VI on Guri and he had the initiative bid so he out PS’ed me. I went for the block with Victor but missed it by a very small margin. Looking back, I should have went for the block with Guri which would have easily happened and hit Xizor hard. Instead, my Victory and Guri were li


mping. I got Victor out but of course I do the stupid thing of flying Guri on a rock. Guri takes another crit and is facing the wrong direction. I get behind his Guri with Victor and start slowly eating away. My Guri goes down. He then blocks my Genesis and Genesis goes down. Victor goes down. Both his Starvipers have two hull left. Loss.

Round 6 – Contracted Scout and Asajj
At first I thought that I could easily take down his scout. After movement and thinking about it I thought that if I took down Asajj it would be easy to take out the scout since I flew Asajj a lot. Again, I get pot shots on Asajj with the Guri. I love it. I should have saved the focus on Victor for defense but I took the target lock at range three. He was able to remove my stealth devise. Then I misjudged range on the K-Trun and bumped Asajj with Victor and took the stress. Guri was a bit out of position and I had to barrel roll with Genesis so no tokens. Victor was hurting. Guri just clipped the debis taking a stress and loosing the action. The Scout dropped the cargo schute. I K-Turned and took 3 stress on Genesis. Genesis went dow


n. Guri then tried to get position but couldn’t with the low PS and EU. Guri couldn’t push as Asajj was giving out stress and I couldn’t get through her hull with Latts. I needed two more damage on Asajj for half points. Loss that was not very close. Happy to see an Asajj list that works though it seemed a bit unconventional.

Conclusion was that it was fun. I like the list I got my goal of 3 wins and got the Zuckuss alt art card. I had many opportunities in Game two and five to win but flew poorly. Two of the lists that I loss to were running expertise and none of the lists I beat had it. My sensor jammer is wasted points but it helped me when they were stressed or did not have it. Two of my losses who had expertise made it to top 32. I think even if I went 4-2 I would not have made top 32 as my MOV was not that great. Only one more potential rumored tournament that I might go to soon so I can try and think about other things. But, it’s so fun!


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